Tuesday, July 21, 2009

copy command in oracle!!!

Suppose you have to make exact replica of a table from one database to another.....

How will you do it?
The solution that comes into mind is through exp-imp or data pump (Oracle 10g feature), this can difficult sometimes as you have to move the .dmp file from one database to another or do some other settings like tns entries, instead of this there is one better solution for the same "copy command"

Lets understand it through an example
Suppose you want to make exact replica of "emp" table from database A to database B.

1. Login on database B.

2. Create structure of emp table in database B same as in database A.

3. Now execute the below copy command
copy from username/password@A insert emp using select * from emp;

Now you have exact replica of table emp in database B also.

Please let me know if you have any queries.

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