Saturday, January 17, 2009

How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders???

How To Remove and Add Right-Click Menu Items from Files and Folders

Removing Items

A lot of programs you install will add themselves to the right-click menu of your files and/or folders. And most times, you have no choice in the matter and, as a result, your right-click menu can get very long with added items you don't even use. The last person I was helping with this had a right context menu so long that the Rename option was no longer visible!
Fortunately, you can easily remove those unwanted menu items, if you know the registry values to edit. And it's not at all difficult once you know the keys responsible for the additions.For Files, the secret lies in the "context menu handlers" under the shellex subkey for "All Files" which, in the registry, is nothing but an asterisk - like a dos wildcard, which means the values entered apply to all files. It is at the very top of the Root key, right here:
Click the the + sign next to the ContextMenuHandlers key, to expand it.Now you will see some of the programs that have added items to your right-click menu. Simply delete the program keys you don't want. Yup! It's that simple. If deleting makes you uneasy, just export the key before deleting it. Or, instead of deleting the values, disable them. Simply double click the default value for the program on the right hand pane and rename the clsid value by placing a period or dash in front of it.
ie; - {b5eedee0-c06e-11cf-8c56-444553540000}
Then exit the registry, refresh, and right click a file to see if the item was removed from the menu.Some programs - like WinZip or WinRar - will add several items to your right click menu but all of them will be removed by deleting or disabling their one context menu handler. Note that the above key only applies to the right click menu of files.To remove entries from the right click context menu of folders, you need to navigate to the Folder and Drive keys:
All you have to do is follow the same procedure as for Files - either disable or delete items you wish to remove.

Adding Items

Adding Items to the right click menu of Files and Folders is also fairly simple using the Registry. It just involves the creation of a few new keys for each item you wish to add. You edit the same keys used for removing items. Let's use Notepad as an example of an item you'd like to add to the right click menu of all your files or folders.For folders, go to this key:
Click the + sign next to Folder and expand it so that the Shell key is visible. Right click the Shell key and choose New>Key and name the key Notepad or whatever else you'd prefer (whatever the key is named is what will appear in the right-click menu). Now right click the new key you made and create another key named Command. Then, in the right hand pane, double click "Default" and enter Notepad.exe as the value.Exit the registry, refresh, and right click any folder. Notepad should now be on the context menu.For files, go here again:
Expand the * key and see if a Shell key exists. If it does exist, follow the same procedure as for folders. If it does not exist, you'll have to create a new Shell first. Just right click the * key and choose New>Key and name it Shell. Then right click the Shell key and continue on the same way you did for adding items to the right click menu of folders.
Once done, Notepad should appear as an option in the right click menu of all your files.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

How to run Oracle Forms 10g applications on vista???

To make Oracle forms Services to run on Vista you need to have Oracle forms version For more information follow the below link for software matrix

To upgrade to Oracle Forms and Webutil Version follow the below steps:

Step 1:

To upgrade Oracle Application Server to .0 follow Note number: 329361.1 on .
This note explains all the steps and patches needed to be applied to make Oracle Application Server
Patch 4505133 to upgrade Database homes to
Patch 5983622 to upgrade Middle and infrastructure tier to

Step 2:

After that you need to follow Note Number 421930.1 on .
This note explains how to obtain FRMWEBUTIL.JAR file from the IAS/IDS Patchset kit (10.1.2.x). This file is needed when you upgrade the IAS from to to fix the Webutil issues.
Current signature for frmwebutil.jar from patch expires on January 2009. You can get a new frmwebutil.jar that is signed with a new certificate that is valid beyond January 2009 from Patch 7384879 . Please pay attention to the version you download or

Step 3:

Configuration of your Application on the Application Server.
Jinitiator will not work with Vista so you have to change your application setting to use Sun JRE. You should use SUN JRE version 1.6 to make Application run to Vista.

Default.env file
Add “rt.jar” and “frmall.jar” paths in your CLASSPATH. Your CLASSPATH should look like below.


Your Application configuration should look like below

workingDirectory=E:\webutil demo
userid=username/password@host string
pageTitle=Webutil Demo
# Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
# Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin

After performing the above steps run your application on Vista with Admin Privileges for the first time as it will download some .dll’s from the Application Server to the Client Machine for webutil purpose. After that you can run the application as a Normal User on Vista.

Please leave comment if you still have any issues.

Monday, January 5, 2009

How to attach calender to a field in oracle apps?

Steps to attach calendar to a field

1. Go to properties of that field and put the lov as ENABLE_LIST_LAMP.
2. Put the validate from list in that properties NO.
3. Put the KEY-LISTVAL trigger on that item and in that write ();

Code for calling oracle report and oracle form in oracle apps

The below is the code to call oracle report from oracle form in oracle apps.

v_order_imp_id number;
v_admno VARCHAR2(20);
v_admno := :STD_PER_INFO_50448.ADMNO;
v_order_imp_id:= fnd_request.submit_request ('CUSTOM','EMP98','hi', NULL, FALSE,
MESSAGE ('Your Request Id is'v_order_imp_id);
MESSAGE ('Your Request Id is'v_order_imp_id);

The below is the code to call oracle form from oracle form in oracle apps.

FND_FUNCTION.execute(‘Function Name you want to call and function should exist in your menu’);

Friday, January 2, 2009

ORA-12514 TNS: listener does not currently know of service requested in connect

Unable to connect to Oracle remotely,
ORA-12514 TNS: listener does not currently know of service requested in connect

Problem Description:

Problem accessing an Oracle instance remotely. Suppose we have two systems/machines, one is running Oracle 10g database server, the other has oracle 10g client software installed. The problem is accessing the instance "asdb" from the client machines using sqlplus.

We can access the instance on the server, using sqlplus. However, from client, I'm getting the following message:
% sqlplus username/password@asdb
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed May 4 23:03:04 2005
Copyright (c) 1982, 2004, Oracle. All rights reserved.

ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connectdescriptor

Tnsping reveals that the Net8 connectivity is OK.

Now the question is how can i connect to the "asdb" instance remotely?


1. Copy the exact entries of tnsnames.ora from server to client machine.

2. Check the host entry in tnsnames.ora and /etc/hosts file. Both should have same entries for Client machine.

3. If still problem persists, Please check carefully your service name. You can do that by login to your server using SQLPLUS using any account and execute the following command:
SQL> show parameter service_name
Copy the value and set it in SERVICE_NAME of your TNSNAMES.ORA file.

Hope this helps....